Join a group
There are so many organisations, big and small, working on climate and environmental issues from different angles! Here are a few for starters.
Aotearoa New Zealand Youth-led climate groups: 4TK (4 Tha Kulture), School Strike for Climate, Pacific Climate Warriors, Te Ara Whatu, Generation Zero
More: Greenpeace Aotearoa, 350 Aotearoa, Indigenous Climate Action, Fridays for Future Aotearoa, New Zealand Coal Action Network Aotearoa, Taranaki Climate Justice, WWF, Forest & Bird, Extinction Rebellion, Our Climate Declaration, Environmental Defence Society
Are you a filmmaker keen to support climate actions with your shooting skills? Join The Rebel Film Collective.
USA based climate groups: Powershift lists an impressive range of member groups to choose from. ScienceMoms helps find groups by location and focus.

Join a campaign
Share your campaign with us! Here are a few for starters.
Aotearoa New Zealand:
Tell Aotearoa New Zealand’s MPs why we should radically reduce emissions, and how!
Support Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change in campaigning for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice, on the issue of climate change and human rights. Getting an ‘AO’ could be a legal catalyst for action while clarifying international law.
Aotearoa’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas is our dairy industry. We back Greenpeace’s call to the New Zealand government to:
- Introduce a $1 billion fund to help farmers transition to regenerative agriculture practices.
- Phase out feeding Aotearoa’s cows on imported feed. Using palm such as palm kernel expeller (PKE) supports the palm oil industry – displacing indigenous peoples and communities, causing deforestation and destruction in some of the world’s crucial places for absorbing carbon.
- Phase-out the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. Synthetic fertiliser causes more emissions than our whole domestic aviation industry…and that’s just its direct emissions. It’s also used in intensive dairying which produces huge methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
-Oxfam’s related petition is here; Forest and Bird’s petition to stop development of any new coal mines in Aotearoa; KASM’s petition to ban seabed mining; MakeIt16 aims to lower the voting age from 18 to 16 in New Zealand; 350 Aotearoa’s petition to ban new fossil fuel burners in the state sector; 350 Aotearoa is calling for artwork and writing from young people to send strong messages to political leaders to more and faster action on climate change; make taking the bus free and easy!

Want a (formal) say in what the government or local council does? See resources from Parliament here, and from the Electoral Commission here. Sophie recommends visiting your MP’s office, to call for specific changes in person.
Earth Guardians has compiled campaigns here, on divesting and defunding; civic engagement; ‘stop the money pipeline’ and revolutionising the vote.
Greenpeace USA has many campaigns include demand an end to human rights violations in the Amazon and Tell President Biden: Ban New Oil and Gas Permits on Public Lands and Waters.
350.org is pushing for the end of fossil fuels and building clean energy futures.
“Many more great things will come from this, [things] that we can’t even yet imagine.”
This is a developing resource for sharing projects. We welcome your tips. We also welcome hearing from potential impact partners as we work together to address the climate crisis: therebelfilmcollective@gmail.com